Uconn Neuroscience Minor (2025)

1. Minors | Department of Psychological Sciences - University of Connecticut

  • The Minor in Neuroscience educates students on the functions of the brain and cognitive processes. Minor Options. Psychological Sciences Minor. This minor is ...

  • The minor in psychological sciences provides students with an opportunity to explore psychology and the various subfields. The minor in neuroscience educates students on the functions of the brain and cognitive processes.

Minors | Department of Psychological Sciences - University of Connecticut

2. Minor Biomedical Sciences: Neurobiology

  • This fulltime 30 EC minor is open for students who have a keen interest in neuroscience and successfully completed their first-year of a university Bachelor's ...

  • Do you have a keen interest in understanding your brain and its underlying workings? Or is it your ambition to become a neuroscientist? Then join this minor. No prerequisite knowledge required, apart from the will to drive your brain along the intricate paths of neurobiology.

Minor Biomedical Sciences: Neurobiology

3. Neuroscience Minor - College of Arts and Sciences | University of South ...

4. Neuroscience Minor - Gordon College

  • In the neuroscience minor, you'll explore how the brain impacts thoughts, emotions, learning and behavior—and how it changes with factors like injuries, ...

  • A distinctive of the psychology department is its minor in neuroscience.

5. Minor Requirements | Neuroscience | University of Pittsburgh

  • A minimum of 14 credits is required for a neuroscience minor. There are two options to fulfill these requirements: Option 1.

  • A minimum of 14 credits is required for a neuroscience minor. There are two options to fulfill these requirements: Option 1 NROSCI 1000 — Introduction to Neuroscience -Prerequisites: "C" in BIOSC 0150, BIOS 0160, CHEM 0110, and CHEM 0120 NROSCI 1011 — Functional Neuroanatomy -Prerequisite: NROSCI 1000 NROSCI 1012 — Neurophysiology -Prerequisites: NROSCI 1000, PHYS 0110 &

6. Neuroscience Minor - Psychological & Brain Sciences

  • Psychology majors may minor in Neuroscience, but there are restrictions on how courses can count toward both the major and minor.

  • Explore the University of Delaware's Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Enhance your understanding of cognition, behavior and neurological processes through top-tier courses, renowned faculty and groundbreaking research.

Neuroscience Minor - Psychological & Brain Sciences

7. Neuroscience - Minor | Sacred Heart University

  • The neuroscience minor emphasizes interdisciplinary coursework in biology and psychology, focusing on the integration of these fields.

  • Prepare for graduate and professional training in the biomedical sciences, careers in the health professions or careers in neuroscience-related biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.

Neuroscience - Minor | Sacred Heart University

8. Neuroscience, Minor < University of Pennsylvania

  • The Program offers courses in virtually all areas of neuroscience ranging from cellular neurobiology to cognitive neuropsychology and integrates these basic ...

  • Neuroscience (formerly Biological Basis of Behavior) is an interdisciplinary program in which students explore the relationship between behavior (both human and animal) and its organic bases. The Program offers courses in virtually all areas of neuroscience ranging from cellular neurobiology to cognitive neuropsychology and integrates these basic interdisciplinary courses with basic science requirements in biology, chemistry and psychology. Students also engaged in supervised research in areas as diverse as molecular neurobiology, chemical neuroanatomy, visual sciences and behavioral ecology.

9. Neuroscience Minor - Department of Psychology

  • The neuroscience minor is a rigorous interdisciplinary minor focusing on the neural bases of psychological, biological, anthropological, philosophical, and ...

  • The neuroscience minor is a rigorous interdisciplinary minor focusing on the neural bases of psychological, biological, anthropological, philosophical, and communicative processes. Course selections are comprised of upper-level courses in the Departments of Psychology, Biology, Philosophy, Anthropology, and Communicative Disorders. The neuroscience minor is recommended for students majoring in one of these departments with a GPA

10. Neuroscience Minor | PSYC - UMD's Psychology Department

  • The Minor in Neuroscience gives highly qualified and motivated undergraduates an opportunity to pursue an academic program in Neuroscience.

  • The Minor in Neuroscience gives highly qualified and motivated undergraduates an opportunity to pursue an academic program in Neuroscience. The emphasis includes study in systems, cognitive, and computational neuroscience in a manner that crosses the traditional boundaries of Psychology, Biological Sciences, and other related disciplines. The minor is most appropriate for students who already have a background in the biological sciences or psychology. There are a number of science course prerequisites for the required and elective classes for the Minor in Neuroscience.

11. Neuroscience Minor | Arcadia University

  • This minor is an interdisciplinary effort that draws on neuroscience expertise from faculty in the Biology and Psychology departments.

Neuroscience Minor | Arcadia University

12. Neuroscience Minor | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • Neuroscience Minor. As a neuroscience minor, you learn to see behavior through the lenses biology and psychology. You can explore topics such as addiction, ...

  • As a neuroscience minor, you learn to see behavior through the lenses biology and psychology. You can explore topics such as addiction, genetics, learning and perception processes in courses. The minor is beneficial if you're considering a medical, research, marketing or pharmaceutical career. Though it's open to all students, space is limited. If you're interested in the program, you must take PSY 201 Brain and Behavior as a first-year student and apply during the fall of your sophomore year.

Neuroscience Minor | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Uconn Neuroscience Minor (2025)


Is a minor in neuroscience useful? ›

Students with a Minor in Neuroscience pursue a variety of careers. Many pursue health-related careers, including clinical and/or research tracks. For advanced neuroscience-specific careers (e.g. neuropsychology, neuroscience research, etc.) an advanced degree, graduate or professional, is required.

Does UConn have a neuroscience program? ›

The University of Connecticut offers advanced training in neuroscience at the main campus in Storrs and the Health Center in Farmington.

What can I minor in with a neuroscience major? ›

Minor pairings
  • Anthropology. ...
  • Biochemistry and chemical biology. ...
  • Biological sciences. ...
  • Biomedical physics. ...
  • Chemistry. ...
  • Communication sciences and disorders. ...
  • Exercise and sports science. ...
  • Global health and social medicine.

How many minors are at UConn? ›

At UConn, rigorous academics can be found in any of our 125+ majors and 120+ minors. If you're still figuring out your fit, or want to customize your plan of study, there are options for that, too.

Is neuroscience a stressful major? ›

In general though, neuroscience tends to be a rigorous major that combines elements of biology, psychology, chemistry, and physics. The workload for a neuroscience major can be demanding, as you may have multiple labs and lectures per week.

Is neuroscience a difficult degree? ›

While the difficulty of a major can be somewhat subjective, neuroscience is generally considered to be a challenging major, as it involves a combination of biology, psychology, and sometimes even chemistry or physics, depending on the program.

What GPA is needed for neuroscience? ›

A bachelor's degree or equivalent from an accredited institution with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required for admissions. In addition, the Neuroscience PhD Program requires applicants to have at least one year of laboratory research experience.

Is neuroscience a competitive major? ›

Declaring the Neuroscience Major at USC

USC has an outstanding Neuroscience program, with top professors and noteworthy labs, but the program is by no means competitive to join.

Is behavioral neuroscience the same as neuroscience? ›

Neuroscience is the study of the brain. Neuroscience has many subsets, such as cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, and computational neuroscience. Behavioral neuroscience is a scientific discipline that studies the functions of behavior, brain function, and mental processes.

Can you get into med school with a neuroscience degree? ›

An education in neuroscience can provide students with an excellent background for a career in medicine (MD/DO). Sample 4-year plans for pre-medicine neuroscience majors can be found on our Curriculum page. Medical programs have a number of pre-requisites which can be found on OSU's Pre-Professional Programs page.

Do neuroscience majors make good money? ›

How Much Do Neuroscientist Jobs Pay per Year? $112,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $141,000 is the 75th percentile.

What pairs well with neuroscience? ›

Conducting research in two domains can give you an advantage when seeking professional advancement. Neuroscience pairs well with psychology, cognitive science, biology, medical sciences, vision science, and others. Your requirements can be coordinated for the two programs.

What majors is UConn best known for? ›

The most popular majors at University of Connecticut include: Psychology, General; Economics, General; Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse; Finance, General; Speech Communication and Rhetoric; Biology/Biological Sciences, General; Mechanical Engineering; Political Science and Government, General; and Cell/Cellular and ...

What GPA does UConn accept? ›

With a GPA of 3.76, UConn requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, with a leaning toward A's. If you took some AP or IB classes, this will help boost your weighted GPA and show your ability to take college classes.

How big of a party school is UConn? ›

Published August 15, 2019 • Updated on August 15, 2019 at 6:04 pm. The University of Connecticut is ranked on Princeton Review's list of top party schools in the United States. UConn is ranked at number 20 of 385.

How useful is a neuroscience degree? ›

What can you do with an undergraduate Neuroscience degree? Neuroscience students can go into a number of career areas, including clinical sciences, biotechnology, artifical intelligence, health science, the pharmaceutical industry, teaching and neuropsychology.

Is neuroscience in high demand? ›

As the population continues to age, the demand for professionals in the field of neuroscience will grow. This is because many diseases that affect the brain and nervous system are age-related, like Alzheimer's or other types of dementia.

Is neuroscience an employable major? ›

Neuroscience jobs often fall under the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Health Science, and Education and Training career clusters. Explore more to learn about what skills and interests align to these career clusters.

Do medical schools like neuroscience majors? ›

Interdisciplinary nature: Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field, which means you'll be exposed to diverse topics such as psychology, biology, and chemistry. This versatility can be advantageous when applying to medical schools that value well-rounded applicants.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.