3,438 reviews58 followers
Neighborhood Watch 9:After the EMP - a review by Rosemary Kenny. It's now Day 12 since the deliberately triggered EMP attack which has killed millions and turned the sky blood-red. I'm totally immersed in the post-Apocalyptic reality that has now, sadly, reached the penultimate episode of EE Isherwood's Neighborhood Watch series in #9, and am heavily invested in the events within, as I have been since book 1.
Clownfish Cove is the Watch's HQ, where food, protection against the artificial weather conditions, and tactical reinforcements (including 'D's' drones), are vital to Frank Carpenter, his block leaders and followers' fight-back, ahead of the Legion and T-Bone's arrival.
Who becomes an unexpected ally?
What action is taken about the grounded ship DAWN STAR to the group's benefit?
Frank has developed so genuinely and believably into a modest, charismatic leader, whom his assorted friends and neighbours willingly follow, trusting him fully to help them survive the worst terrorist attack they have ever known or heard of.
Carmen and the other MCs are people you can almost know as well as your own family and friends, and the way the disparate personalities come together and bond against a common threat is totally inspiring and heart-warming.
Long may the legend continue!
Lori Zenahlik
7 reviews1 follower
Hope I’m an avid fan of books about the apocalypse, to the point though that with the state of the world, our country in particular, it’s almost disturbing to my daily life. I’m hoping that there is “ HOPE” for the people of Clownfish, and the world for that matter. The fight is only to real because the human nature displayed in your series is real and that’s what makes it so frightening. I’m really hoping we can see some peace and prosperity come from the hard work of working for the common good. Looking forward to #10. 😊👍
2,002 reviews11 followers
EE Isherwood is one of my favorite authors. I love to discover he has a new book for my reading pleasure. But, he really outdid himself with Neighborhood Watch. The characters are so realistic and either extremely likable or very easy to dislike! The world building is excellent and the storyline is full of dangerous situations and turmoil. I highly recommend the entire series because it is cram-packed with excitement! Read via Kindle Unlimited
11 reviews
Entertaining and Practical! I love the first person writing style. It’s so unique, especially in this genre. This whole series is packed with practical tips, tricks and survival techniques in a post-EMP world, and isn’t loaded with ex-special ops characters with extreme skill sets, but instead, has believable characters that reflect normal, everyday people. Great series!
54 reviews1 follower
So I finished with number 9 and found out book number 10 hasn't been released yet. What to do, what to do? Find another series. Book #9 has some fantastical things in it but I gotta keep reading to the end. Some of my favorite sci-fi authors died of old age and at 77 yrs I may die before this book gets out.
2 reviews
Awesome Series I couldn’t stop reading. Got through all nine books in a short time. The books are enthralling and keep you guessing. Very well written and a pleasure to read. Now to wait anxiously for book 10 to be released in December. Reading it will be a Christmas gift to myself.
Pam Shelton-Anderson
1,818 reviews59 followers
The first half-plus of the book was similar to a previous long car chase. It improved in the second half where some plot elements are illuminated and brought together. I found Pierce and his background to be a bit on the unbelievable side, but this sets up a future major confrontation.
- post-apocalyptic-emp-grid post-apocalyptic-war
Jim Gutzwiller
149 reviews3 followers
Neighborhood Watch 9 Wow! What a ride! And still more story to tell. This is just gripping and fast paced. What can possibly happen next? Lots of fun and adventure.
I guess we all find out in book 10.
michael r hyer
58 reviews2 followers
neighborhood watch 9 Now I am going to be so impatient waiting for #10! You have left me hanging on with my fingernails and this is a high cliff! Good job! I knew book 9 would be exciting, I just didn’t know it would leave me on a ledge.
Melissa Wilson
8 reviews1 follower
Great Read For anyone who wants to feel what our future is closing into and gain knowledge this is the best read ever cant wait for December the characters are so real I never want the end to come.
Le Hook
30 reviews
good addition to the series Great to follow Frank through the wilderness but I’d like more of him defending his home turf from there. Kind of lost the thread of some of the earlier characters we’ve come to love and I hope #10 the finale doesn’t end in a cliffhanger of some sort!
william j cunningham
230 reviews
great series One of the better apocryphal series out there. It’s got a lot of action and some great characters. I’ve enjoyed it from the start.
4 reviews
such interesting characters in this series Very well written and considering how much is going on, it is still easy to follow. I hope the neighborhood survives!
Ken Trunnell, Jr.
106 reviews3 followers
Turns And Slippery Time's up here You know when you tried to live To everybody else Can you become a War Lord Or stay as uncle frank
419 reviews5 followers
The Legion Wow it keeps getting worse and you had to end it at that part lol can’t wait for #10 to come out. Thank you for the end of seat reading.
Mark Johnson
1 review
great series I love this series the action is almost non-stop but still takes a break to get inside everyone’s head and see the plans for the neighborhood
5 reviews
Another great volume in the series I was hoping he wouldn’t he have to become “Warlord Frank” for a while but now it’s necessary. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Amanda Decker
8 reviews
Heck of a ride Dang fast read. Lots of going on . Can't wait to see how it ends. Wishing it wouldn't. Hopefully Frank's adventure doesn't end.